Results 217 comments of Max Desiatov

Thank you for the clarification, I'm not looking for a specific architecture, was just curious about the status of the project. A friend asked me about using Swift on RPi...

Hi @plushcat, I'm sorry for the delay. The solution would be to add an intermediate `Chapters` with a custom decoder that calls `singleValueContainer()`. This is done #126, but we also...

Sorry for the delayed reply. I'm not sure I'm following, how would a conformance to the `Namespaced` protocol look like for it to work with the XML example you provided?...

I'm a bit worried about the approach with the `Namespaced` protocol, it doesn't allow customizing namespaces for a specific property or to avoid using namespaces for some properties altogether. `@Namespaced`...

> Well, in that case we could make it an (optional?) non-static property in the protocol and have it set as part of the element construction. > The dictionary conveys...

Awesome, thanks for the reviewing the approach! One could start with a property wrapper, and then we could consider additional approaches if needed. 👍

Hi @eyallen, thank you asking this question, I really should clarify this in README. I think a similar thing was asked in #90, do you find my answer to that...

If you'd like to represent the inner unescaped XML as a raw string, that's unfortunately not supported in the underlying [`XMLParser`]( from Swift's Foundation module. If escaping that data is...

Yeah, with the current `XMLParserDelegate` API that would be problematic without CDATA, I'd highly recommend using CDATA if possible. Otherwise that would also impact the performance too, `XMLParser` would detect...

Thank you for reporting this @timsearle and sorry for the delayed reply. I'm wondering if implementing some helpers for CDATA in the recently added `DynamicNodeEncoding` (#70) would be realistic. @JoeMatt...