Hi renjiahao. To use d435i, you need to first change topic name in https://github.com/ZJU-Robotics-Lab/GEM/blob/50142727e8e9aa4a38353269cfd33d2ec5ae6a82/elevation_mapping/elevation_mapping_demos/launch/simple_demo.launch#L6-L7 and then some configs about frame_id should be changed in https://github.com/ZJU-Robotics-Lab/GEM/blob/50142727e8e9aa4a38353269cfd33d2ec5ae6a82/elevation_mapping/elevation_mapping_demos/config/robots/simple_demo_robot.yaml#L3-L6 and also you have to...
One more thing, you should first have a odometry running to provide a tf in tf tree. And then, in configuration, you have to modify the map frame id and...
@Orhanlogoglu Hi, I see the distortions here. I guess there is something wrong with the input point cloud or pose, so could you please first check the point cloud and...
@KirillMouraviev Hi! The easiest way is to lose some accuracy and just use the lidar params on RGB-D input data. This open-sourced version doesn't contain the RGB-D processor and params....
Thanks for following our work. Is there any output in the GEM terminal? If there is nothing output in the terminal, you may need to check the topic names in...
@leslieburke I recommend you to use the main branch with fake_image publisher. I'll check the lidar-only version, but it is not in our update plan.
@leslieburke Thanks for your attention! We plan to release the whole system in July. You can follow our lab's GitHub account for the update.
@leslieburke The released version will be mainly based on lidar slam. The vision-based pipeline needs refactoring, so it will not be supported in recent updates.
@1466758326 It's a dependency problem; you need to install fftw3 library (https://www.fftw.org/)
@1466758326 You need to follow the README in [disco/tools](https://github.com/MaverickPeter/MR_SLAM/tree/main/LoopDetection/src/disco_ros/tools/multi-layer-polar-gpu/cython) and build gputransform