Matthieu Talbot
Matthieu Talbot
Makes sense ! =) At least this wish is registered now, maybe someone with strong win32-fu can make it happen eventually.
Sure @zackhsi ``` """" neovim preamble set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after let &packpath = &runtimepath """" vundle preamble set nocompatible filetype off let vundleVimPath = "~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim" let vundleVimInstallPluginPath = "$HOME/.vim/bundle" exe 'set...
same there, ctags for windows, editing cpp files.
Lucky you :/ I will do without neotags I guess. Le mer. 9 sept. 2020 à 12:51, c0r73x a écrit : > 🤔 works for me on Linux and OSX....
Same there !
Hey, kuddos to @mephinet, that fixed it for me > ``` > #! /bin/sh > ``` > > in the first line of your script and make sure it's executable...
SignatureListBufferMarks does the trick. I don't know why I did not find it before.
Well, it works only for the current buffer.
Thanks! Do you know how to emulate "m," (mark with next free letter) with global marks ?
Hey, thanks for the patch ! Unfortunately I can't get it working, when I try to "m.", I get an error "No free marks left" Here is my config ```...