vim-signature icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vim-signature copied to clipboard

Feature request: Open location list and display markers from all buffers

Open MartyLake opened this issue 6 years ago • 6 comments


I was looking for a plugin that traces when I navigate in a new code base. This plugin looks perfect but I can't figure out a way to list all the markers.

Can you help me ? Best,

MartyLake avatar Nov 16 '17 16:11 MartyLake

SignatureListBufferMarks does the trick. I don't know why I did not find it before.

MartyLake avatar Nov 16 '17 16:11 MartyLake

Well, it works only for the current buffer.

MartyLake avatar Nov 16 '17 16:11 MartyLake

Yes, currently it shows only all marks from the current buffer or all global marks from all buffers. I do like your suggestion but I don't have time to work on it for at least a short while.

For the moment, if you don't have a lot of marks spread across the files, you could use global marks instead.

kshenoy avatar Nov 18 '17 16:11 kshenoy

Thanks! Do you know how to emulate "m," (mark with next free letter) with global marks ?

MartyLake avatar Nov 20 '17 14:11 MartyLake

Hi, sorry for the late response. You can try setting `g:SignatureIncludeMarks='ABCDE...Z' so that it will only place global marks. Just be aware that vim's handling of global marks is kinda buggy with marks persisting even after deletion.

kshenoy avatar Feb 18 '18 06:02 kshenoy

Hey, thanks for the patch ! Unfortunately I can't get it working, when I try to "m.", I get an error "No free marks left"

Here is my config

Plugin 'kshenoy/vim-signature' "marks
let g:SignatureMarkTextHLDynamic=1
let g:SignatureMarkerTextHLDynamic=1

MartyLake avatar Feb 19 '18 10:02 MartyLake