fzf-tags copied to clipboard
Cancelling triggers an error
Hello, When using fzf-tags, if I hit esc, I have an error E684 while processing function <SNR>29_callback. I wish that it would silently return to my previous context before.
Thanks for creating this functionality, I wish the default fzf worked as well as yours
Hey @MartyLake, I'm unable to reproduce. When I press escape, I enter normal mode. When I press "i," fzf reactivates.
Curious if you could reproduce with a minimal vimrc to eliminate other possibilities?
Sure @zackhsi
"""" neovim preamble
set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after
let &packpath = &runtimepath
"""" vundle preamble
set nocompatible
filetype off
let vundleVimPath = "~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim"
let vundleVimInstallPluginPath = "$HOME/.vim/bundle"
exe 'set rtp+=' . expand(vundleVimPath)
call vundle#begin(vundleVimInstallPluginPath)
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
"""" fzf plugins
Plugin 'junegunn/fzf'
Plugin 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
Plugin 'zackhsi/fzf-tags'
"""" vundle end
call vundle#end()
"""" remapping for convenience
nmap t <Plug>(fzf_tags)
What I do then is
- open a file in a folder that has a corresponding tags file
- move cursor to a word
- press "t" to call fzf_tags, fzf_tags window is shown
- press "esc" to cancel
Hey @MartyLake, sorry for the delayed response. Unfortunately, I'm unable to reproduce.
In this GIF, this is what I've done:
:nmap t <Plug>(fzf_tags)
- Move cursor to a word with tags (
) - Press t, which opens up the tag list
- Press ESC, which takes me to normal mode
- Navigate around in normal mode
- Press i to return to insert mode
- Exit FZF with C-c