Markus Ramikin
Markus Ramikin
The "don't deselect while in mine" feature is nice, but its potentail is kind of wasted, because you can't issue orders to a peasant while it's inside the mine. Would...
Could we have some way to check what difficulty level is on, while playing a mission? For example it could show in the stats shown when you press `, above...
For a while I couldn't understand why despite wc2.preferences.ShowTips = false, the game still showed me tips after restarting the game. It's a bad idea to store settings in a...
wc2.preferences.MouseScrollSpeedControl option doesn't seem to change anything. Even if I set it to a low value like = 4 or even = 0, the game still completely loses its shit...
Queuing attacks with shift doesn't work on buildings (it works on units). After destroying the first target, the selected units just attack whatever is closest. (Wargus 2.4, Stratagus 2.4, Windows...
Right now if I wanna timeskip as much as possible, KS combusts every time heat drops just a little from max, so the year never reaches completion and there is...
Since the player can adjust the game speed in the console, for example this way: ``` autoTick = setInterval(function(){ game.tick() }, 50) ``` this results in a lot of undistributed...
I'm in chapter 3, after Yberion died. I'm a Fire Mage. Issues: - I can still ask Cor Angar how to become a Templar, repeatedly. - I can still tell...
I did the whole Old-Camp cleanup after I've gotten the teleport to fire mages rune. Now I find that Pacho and the bridge guards still attack me, Bartholo's ambush at...
After you've found the weed mashers near the lake by New Camp, if you choose the first dialog option with Jarko, that you're putting an end to their business, this...