Marc Skov Madsen

Results 435 comments of Marc Skov Madsen

Listening in. Being able to set cpu and memory resources and/ or the k8s nodepool to deploy to would be really helpful.

Only one way to find out :-)

## Additional Context Panel should work with ipywidgets via `ipywidgets_bokeh`. See

We had a similar issue with ipyleaflet. We investigated `panel`, `ipywidgets_bokeh` and `ipyleaflet`. It turned out it was an error in `ipyleaflet` So it can be anywhere and I've...

Yes ```python # pip install ipycanvas panel ipywidgets_bokeh import panel as pn from ipycanvas import Canvas pn.extension('ipywidgets') canvas = Canvas(width=200, height=200) pn.panel(canvas, height=200, width=200).servable() ``` ```bash panel serve --autoreload...

With Ipyleaflet the below had to be added. ![image]( Could that be the problem here as well?


This is an example. I don't believe this is the one failing. ![image]( I will try to debug and share.

It seems its when `e` is `null` ![image](

Probably its some custom messaging logic. But I am not familiar with `ipywidgets_bokeh` either. But the source js line is here I believe