Marc Skov Madsen

Results 435 comments of Marc Skov Madsen

I would be really happy to contribute links in docstrings to reference notebooks. For me they are a game changer in productivity when using Panel. Its such a joy to...

Here is another example where I trying to help a user This use case would be similar to me reviewing or having to work with code created by colleague...

I tried looking at some Plotly examples. The deeply nested code I tested did have useful docstrings and type annotations.

I looked at Altair. Its docstrings is of higher quality than Holoviews. But it also has issues as it does not document its arguments in docstrings. And its type annotations...

Hi @CMRicketts Welcome to HoloViz. Sounds great. While waiting for suggestions from @philippjfr my suggestion would be that - You review the work in progress PR with the purpose...

There is a user requesting it here I also need it for my use cases.

I'm also missing the developer guide. I just cloned the repo. What now? How should I install this? What should I do before opening a PR?

I've followed the [Panel developer guide]( to hopefully get a working developer environment. Log $ conda update -c pyviz pyctdev Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: done ## Package...

The tooltip I would expect is `x`, `y`, `y2`. I've also experienced this. The current state makes the `area`/`Area` not ready for *production*.