Marc Skov Madsen

Results 435 comments of Marc Skov Madsen

I'm actually using the support in some of my apps.

Hi @danlester . I would really like a separate entry for Panel. My hypothesis is that it would be close to with some additional functionality inspired by Panels `get_server`...

My suggestion would be to create a new `panel_root_cmd` repository and package. The alternative would be to add a `--panel` flag to the `bokeh_root_cmd` package. That would also work. What...

Inspiration for an extended interface could be found in

I have seen Naas. Some problems I see - My Jupyterlab instance closes down when I close down my browser. So where would this be running permanently? - There is...

"We" (the advanced developers) can already deploy cronjobs to Kubernetes using Azure Pipelines and .yaml files. The problem is the analysts etc. working on the Jupyter Hub. They need an...

For a short term solution we will be trying out adding crontab-ui as an extra launcher. So far it looks like ```bash c.CDSDashboardsConfig.extra_presentation_types = ['crontab-ui'] c.VariableMixin.extra_presentation_launchers = { 'crontab-ui': {...

Listining in. I also would like the dashboards to persist when my jupyterhub images are updated.

For me this is still the gordian knot to solve. How can i programmatically create or Update dashboards to run on the JupyterHub? Can it be done from the commandline...

For example right now I am trying to test deploying a Bokeh App using ContainDS. And it is not starting. And I have no way of knowing whether packages are...