Marc Skov Madsen

Results 435 comments of Marc Skov Madsen

Just for the record. The basic functionality for the `perspective-viewer` web component (not python package) has been implemented and is working well. The things that I would expect not working...

FYI. I've added an example to the gallery at ![test_perspective](

I've added the perspective-viewer to the awesome-panel-extensions Package so that it is available for all Panel users. Use it via `from awesome_panel_extensions.widgets.perspective_viewer import PerspectiveViewer`. I hope it will be moved...

I see indications that some of the plugins support row selection and editing. But I've not been able to find any documention on this. Please provide links or information if...

#### It's all about configuration of attributes, properties and events When adding wired elements to Panel its all about identifying which attributes, properties and events to sync/ catch. The current...

Another example is the `Dataset.range`. The docstring is there but needs more love for non-super users of the framework. For example the `dimension` is this a number or a string...

I spent maybe two 2 days on adding docstrings to Panel. And at least for me the experience of using Panel totally changed. Much easier to use. Much less mental...

The end user would not care about the documentation for the abstract classes. What matters is the documentation of the classes they use.

Nope :-) The problem is that concrete classes don't have specific, useful docstrings. Instead they shared the docstring of an abstract base class.

I've made a few example PRs to illustrate how I would do this and how useful it is. Please give me some feedback there. Thanks.