Mano Marks
Mano Marks
Some people like Emacs I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I suggest that in the directions you explicitly state, for those not familiar with git, that if they are using a Mac they get git for free.
It doesn't always catch-up with the CLI, so you have a situation where if there is a large amount of output from a command, say when initializing a cluster, it...
Can we enable ssl like we did on
These steps are appearing again in the default terminal, please turn them off: 1. Initializes cluster master node: kubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address $(hostname -i) 2. Initialize cluster networking: kubectl apply -n...
I've had this in latest versions of Chrome, Mac and Windows. Doesn't happen every time. When trying to select text in the terminal, the text highlighted is actually far above...
For section titled ## Kubernetes resources Add diagrams to illustrate resources, similar to:
In the section headed ## Kubernetes architecture Add a diagram to replace this:, which was created by someone else and references weave
Current Makefile doesn't work on Windows so we need another way to compile it, or simply a set of Docker images and a compose file if that would work better.