Matteo Ruzzante
Matteo Ruzzante
`reghdfe` stores three types of scalars for the number of observations: `e(N)`, `e(num_singletons)`, and `e(N_full)`. It would be great to have the same structure for the number of clusters, which...
Hi guys, I recently had to change the name of data collection round folders: I guess the quickest way is just creating a new round with `iefolder`, move all the...
As suggested by @luizaandrade, the note with treatment effect values doesn't look great when there's more than one treatment arm. For future updates, I will try to automatically display the...
Hi guys! As distributional analysis is becoming more common in development economics and in policy evaluation in general (see, e.g.,, I have been thinking about two packages, which may...
I am preparing the replication materials for a paper and thought it would be helpful to have a command which goes through all the do-files in a folder and output...
- [ ] `basictitle` does not wrap the text when using separate strings ("line_one" "line_two") as argument - [ ] Allow the user to change columns barwidth and color scheme...
**About command syntax** - [ ] I noticed that `iebaltab` and `ieddtab` do not allow to abbreviate the variance estimator option. I would add it, consistently with what is indicated...
Following up the bootcamp, there are couple of things in you guys could update. - [ ] Emergency Access is only available with LastPass Premium and LastPass Families Also,...
Two plots I prepared for the Sustenta baseline report and thought would be useful to share 😉