Matteo Ruzzante
Matteo Ruzzante
Hi @jpazvd! Thanks for your input! It seems that `grqreg` only works with SSC commands, suchs as `qreg`, `bsqreg` or `sqreg`. This means it currently does not allow to plot...
That would be great, @jpazvd! All the best, Matteo
Haha I won't leave you alone :laughing: In my case, it was a very quick task as the round folder still contained few files at this project stage, but I...
I deny the existence of a conspiracy against you, @luizaandrade! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I momentarily solved the issue by separately computing the randomization inference (RI) p-values before running `iebaltab`. Namely, I used...
**Suggestions** - [ ] Include Stata equivalent piece of code for scatter and box plots - [ ] Add extra code to adapt margin of graph from boxplot (slide 15)...
Quite cool! :)
You are right, @kbjarkefur! Was looking at, which is interestingly different from the browser extension... Anyway, the materials were great and looking forward to seeing this embedded in the...
I was using Chrome on PC. On mobile, it seems to work better. > Thank you for this feedback! What browser and what device (mobile or computer) are you using...