Maximilian N. Günther

Results 18 issues of Maximilian N. Günther

Hi Dan, I understand _celerite_ is superseded by _celerite2_, but it would still be nice to keep the functionality alive for _allesfitter_ users on Python 3.9. To replicate the error:...

Write an “allesfitter.quick_setup()” function to create simple settings.csv and params.csv files directly from ExoFOP (e.g. query by TIC or TOI) or by entering the radius etc. manually.


Instead of fast_fit=True/False and keys like secondary_eclipse and phase_curve, combine all options into one. Deprecate the old keys, and implement the new key `fit_type` with options - `transit`: fit only...


The GUI should not show any planet parameter fields, nor print any keywords like "phase_curve" etc. into the settings file. Also make sure that "do_not_phase_fold" is printed and set to...


- bring the GUI and all tutorials up-to-date with newer syntax (e.g. "ln" instead of "log") - add documentation for the residual diagnostic tests - add new tutorials for new...


use method from Florian Lienhard instead of checking for matching periods


If there are any rows that are not recognized (e.g., because of spelling mistakes, missing the _[inst] decoration, or having superfluous _[inst] decorations) in params.csv and settings.csv, the user should...


allesclass: Improve the API documentation & shift code into separate file


Just like we can use "draw_mcmc_posterior_samples_at_maximum_likelihood()" for MCMC, we also want to be able to do this for Nested Sampling.
