Maximilian N. Günther

Results 13 comments of Maximilian N. Günther

I encountered the same issue (after a fresh conda/anaconda install of a virtual environment with python 3.12). The reason for me seems to be qtconsole 5.3, in particular its new...

### System: macOS Catalina Version 10.15.7 iMac Pro (2017) Processor 3 GHz 10-Core Intel Xeon W ### Terminal commands from scratch, leading to error: ``` (base) Maximilians-iMac-Pro:~ mx$ conda create...

Thanks for your quick responses, Dan! Unfortunately the two suggested ways also did not work. The conda-forge install got stuck in an endless "solving environment" loop, while the source install...

Thanks Dan! I didn't want to steal more of your time, but since you offer it... ;) First, I set up a fresh environment, just as described above. Next, I...

Note: I used the above approach because ``` python -m pip install --no-binary celerite ``` resulted in the following error: ``` (env_python39) Maximilians-iMac-Pro:Code mx$ python -m pip install --no-binary celerite...

Awesome, thanks Dan! Works like a charm, now I can pip-install, import, and run celerite on Python 3.9 while using gcc-8!

Hi @martindevora , this was just a note to myself; an idea on how we could speed up the injection recovery tests. I assumed I was the only one ever...

Hi Johannes, Thanks for getting in touch! Absolutely, that looks great! The more options our users have, the merrier. It will probably be a few weeks until we have time...

Glad that you ask @jpdeleon! We developed allesfitter in the spirit of Agile Software Development, i.e. it is modular with room for these expansions if users request it. Since noone...

Hi @jpdeleon and @tdaylan, I think this is actually do-able in one step. For example, you have a light curve from LCO in g' band, and one from LCO in...