
Results 9 issues of MHellmund

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I am using the i3 window manager, together with a small utility to list and jump to all windows. The...


Some applications, e.g. `xterm`, do not appear in the `ilia -p windows` list. Reason: They do not set the _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE property. According to, windows without this property should be...

```{julia} printstyled(1/7, bold=true, color=:green, reverse=true) ``` doesn't work as expected. It is not enough to set `color=true` in `IOCapture.capture()`, see This patch works but is probably not the...

up for grabs

With QuartoNotebookRunner 0.4.0, ```{julia} ?for ``` is a Julia parse error. It works for me with Quarto/IJulia:

up for grabs

Wagtail 6.0.1 Django 5.0.3 MariaDB 10.11 Adding a new page in wagtail fails with ``` DataError at /iadmin/pages/add/xxx/ (1406, "Data too long for column 'translation_key' at row 1") ``` The...


According to , upgrade to the 4.x version of overleaf should be done in 2 steps: - upgrade to 3.5.7 - make the project history migration - upgrade to...

Problem: test.qmd: ````` --- engine: julia --- ```{julia} using PlotlyJS plot(rand(10,4)) ``` ````` `$ quarto render test.qmd --to html` load `test.html` in browser ==> *no plot, error in javascript console:*...

I am testing a quarto project of 'book' type with the new julia engine. Three times in about 50 pdf output pages it happened that a german umlaut ä,ü gets...

I think this may be related to . I see the bug described there when using `jupyter notebook`. Using the VS Code jupyter extension (with the same python env,...