Ferry Schoenmakers

Results 15 issues of Ferry Schoenmakers

The diffdrive controller tries to get the wheel separation by looking up the joints in the URDF. This is a nice feature! But it assumes that the joints are directly...

Hi Maxmudjon, First of all many thanks for your great homey app, I've been using it with pleasure for some time now! Recently though I wanted to add some Aqara...

Loading a robot description from the ROS parameter server works nicely, but mesh-files are not found. In our URDF-files we include meshes like so: `` ` ` `` But these...

I relate to [#48](https://github.com/ros/diagnostics/issues/48) and internally we started using a custom aggregator for this purpose. We thought it could be useful to share this. Moreover, this aggregator also fills the...


Please see the following example of my `diagnostic_aggregator` configuration: ``` ecu: type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer path: 'ECU' startswith: 'ecu_reporter' remove_prefix: 'ecu_reporter_node: ' ecu_discard1: type: diagnostic_aggregator/DiscardAnalyzer path: none contains: 'Error_676' ecu_discard2: type: diagnostic_aggregator/DiscardAnalyzer...

In some occasions it would be really useful to trigger a snapshot on special events (i.e. collisions or diagnostics) but then also record a little bit of the future. Proposed...

While this is a nice example that works pretty well, it seems not to work on service restarts while a usb drive is still inserted. Probably because there is no...

Inspired by: https://github.com/ros/executive_smach/pull/116 This is a ROS1 backport of these fixes. It implements the preempt_timeout and fixes the canceling of goals, next to some formatting changes...

Fixes https://github.com/ros/executive_smach/issues/98 But please comment on implementation and whether I'm missing something here!

Might be related to https://github.com/ros/executive_smach/issues/53 But we discovered this in a bigger state-machine where a concurrent monitoring state is trying to preempt another concurrence container. We expected this container then...