Tobias Augspurger

Results 60 comments of Tobias Augspurger

@HongLouyemeng: You are welcome :).

Hey, you missed the AutowareAuto Lecture: It a cooperative lecture on ROS2+Autoware.Auto created by multiple companies in the domain of Autonomous Driving and Robotics.

We had many discussions about that and we removed Paypal from the Roadmap. We think that cryptocurrency better fits to the "Libre" idea, it has lower fees and you do...

@fkromer I was thinking if we could provide support for donors for Paypal. This would be very important, as it would significantly reduce the hurdle to donations. Many donors have...

I tested the creation of donation buttons. I do not think it is possible in an automated way to create them but here the results with some nice buttons. The...

So I will add this issue to the next milestone and we start with the Paypal support just for Donors not for the payout. thanks for the feedback @cornerman @kikass13.

This does relate to Issue #9 in some way. When you are able to estimate the costs of a project, (based on multiple historical data) you could use the simulator...

That is also related to the issue #37. We could actually create a badge that shows the value of the project. This could also been used as a weight for...

This is the related documentation on how to create a Github Action that is scheduled:

I talked with @krux02 about that. Based on a scheduler you could create a classical monthly payout.