People are still reporting the fireball hotkey being broken. You can still cast whirlwind through shutters apparently? And wasn't whirlwind supposed to be reduced to 2? I recall Kuro saying...
xeno fire is still hurting corpses. Evo max is set to zero so you can just insta evo from pyro to t3 apparently.
Bypassing checks on pill bottle contents isn't going to let people make infinite RR pills or something, right?
why would you use the full name instead of TGMC/SOM/ICC
@Deputi What gamemodes have you seen it happen on? Like nuke war to nuke war?
Unless the sentry is on radial, the wraith could you know, just walk behind it. If it IS on radial, than spit castes can shoot it from outside range.
Its a tgui bug, happens with vendors as well. If a list has 2 things with the same name (in this case if you have 2 identical pouches) it uh,...
This is because the var used is actually vehicle_move_delay in the riding component.
that pr literally just changes some colours so uh, I don't see how that could cause issues.
Its an issue with the codex. It seems to just pull all subtypes of rocket, even ones that exceed the weight class. Likely this will effect the codex entry of...