Can we also create folders under maker : ``` maker maker_evidence maker_abinitio ``` Thanks!
I see so what I did was rerun the pipeline with my chosen parameter to have them directly copied in the augustus folder, but I see that just copying the...
The annotation_preprocessing new pipeline does not filter out the contigs less than 1000 nucleotides
yes : ``` #!/bin/bash -ue \ --size 1000 \ --infile genome_uppercase.fa \ --output genome_uppercase_purified cat
The annotation_preprocessing new pipeline does not filter out the contigs less than 1000 nucleotides
and []( does not remove the contigs or not anymore. I tried it separately and the contigs were still there
we could also add normalization (as an option if data too big). do we do denovo or reference guided with trinity? (we could do both) need QC (transcript QC :...