Ivan Zabrovskiy

Results 4 issues of Ivan Zabrovskiy

Query `SELECT DISTINCT "column_name" FROM foreign_table;` doesn't work. This return duplicate entries in case of usage tds-fdw from branch `2.0.0-alpha1`. Branch `1.0.7` works as expected for the same query and...

- [ ] When we go from plain view to tree view, then current filter will be applied. If we go back - filter not applied. - [ ] When...

- add timeout for console command to prevent immortal processes and endless resources consumption - add an optional basic authentication and config for it - add ability to configure list...

Hi! Thanks for the description of the CTL SYS improvement. It was really useful for me. I did an additional investigation and put it [here](https://github.com/Loriowar/festool_ct-f_im_handler). To my mind, will be...