Ivan Zabrovskiy

Results 32 comments of Ivan Zabrovskiy

You forgot about a follow case: "error after reading 1 byte~~s~~ in 1 second~~s~~". This may be fixed in this way: `error after reading \d+ byte(s)? in \d+ second(s)?`

Same problem in `master` branch of tds_fdw (commit 3a803c5840b8cf69e1a725fb4377d0f95a53a4e9) with latest FreeTDS version (1.00). I have foreign table: ``` CREATE FOREIGN TABLE wrc_ctrs ( "WMSLOCATIONID" varchar, ...) SERVER mssql_server OPTIONS...

Sorry for a huge delay. I can't provide a full data set, only a table definition: SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[WRKCTRTABLE]( [WRKCTRGROUPID] [nvarchar](10) NOT...

This query still return duplications SELECT DISTINCT ON ("WMSLOCATIONID") "WMSLOCATIONID" AS wmslocationid FROM wrc_ctrs WHERE "WMSLOCATIONID" != ''; Your variant has incorrect syntax for PG. I don't know how can...

This query doesn't work. It return duplications too.

Little changes due to postgres syntax: SELECT DISTINCT ON ("wmslocationid") "wmslocationid" FROM (SELECT "WMSLOCATIONID" AS wmslocationid FROM wrc_ctrs WHERE "WMSLOCATIONID" != '') a GROUP BY "wmslocationid"; And I see a...

An important question: must I update tds_fdw to the latest master commit? For now, all queries runs on tds_fdw compiled in the moment of commit 3a803c5840b8cf69e1a725fb4377d0f95a53a4e9.

For now, I use cascade of materialized views. The first view is identical to the foreign table (wrc_ctrs) and it store data one to one without any modification. Second view...

@gisok I can't help without details about installation. Please, specify version of Redmine, version of all installed plugins, specify branch of `redmine_issues_tree`, name and version of OS and so on....

Looks like `redmine_issues_tree` is incompatible with `redmineup_tags` plugin. On [redmineup_tags](http://www.redmine.org/plugins/redmine_tags) page specified support of `2.x` Redmine versions. So, I don't know exact reason of incompatibility. Hence, you can investigate problem...