livox_ros2_driver icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
livox_ros2_driver copied to clipboard

Livox device driver under Ros2, support Lidar Mid-40, Mid-70, Tele-15, Horizon, Avia.

Results 26 livox_ros2_driver issues
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Since point time stamp is coming handy in most of algorithms, is there any reason we don't publish pointcloud2 msg with `offset_time` extended field, shown as follow. if i remember...

This is nasty surprise. Partially documented in manual: **Set the IP address of your computer to static IP address. Note that the static IP address of your computer should be...

Does the driver work with ros2 foxy? We're thinking about buying Livox mid-70 for our robots, but need to know if it is compatible with ros2 foxy.

Hi, I have a question about the IMU on the livox horizon. When I do a plot of the IMU data then Iam reveicing the data in a kind of...

Hi, is it possible to use the ros clock instead of the package timestamp for publishing or wouldnt it make sense to have the possibility for that? Great Thanks is...

There seems to be an issue with the Custom PointCloud Format. When I select `xfer_format = 1` then for a `publish_freq` of 50Hz I only get around 27-30Hz and for...

Fixes: - publish "sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2" instead of PointCloud(pcl::PointCloudpcl::PointXYZI) in humble - update print statements and headers in timesync.cpp & .h -

你好,如果我今天有多顆光達需要啟動(4顆horizon),需要輪流啟動,一顆掃完30秒換下一顆?請問是要分別下四次ros2 launch的指令嗎?

Ubuntu 20.04 ROS2 Foxy The IMU orientation is always 0, 0, 0, 1.