Rayane Benyoucef

Results 7 comments of Rayane Benyoucef

@itssme @gsilano why it is called virtual since there is a camera there!!! I don't get it

Thanks for the answer @cesarhcq but it takes a lot of time converting bag file to txt file. maybe for other topics. am intending to save them not for a...

I need the projection matrix K to convert pixels to meters. I have calibrated the camera and actually I got the same values as in the default file but even...

Thanks @gsilano for the answer! Actually I used this [link](http://wiki.ros.org/camera_calibration/Tutorials/MonocularCalibration) to do calibration and I replaced the .yaml files in /bebop_driver/data/bebop1_camera_calib.yaml and /bebop_driver/data/bebop2_camera_calib.yaml although I wonder why there is two...

For the package I used, in [here](http://wiki.ros.org/camera_calibration) they said that it uses OpenCV camera calibration, described [here](https://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/calib3d/doc/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.html). but no worries I can do both and I will let you know...

Hi, Actually I couldn't manage to solve it. But it didn't affect the nodes in openni launch. So I jast left it like that and I didn't have any problems

@tfoote is that fixed now!!! because I need to express the velocity from base_link frame to the camera frame