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How to save Images from bebop forward camera!!

Open LArayane opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments


Am working on depth observation and I need to save images from bebop forward camera. These images are to be processed offline!! Can anybody help me! Thanks


LArayane avatar Jan 13 '20 17:01 LArayane

If you're using ROS, you need to see what's topic from Bebop images, for example: /bebop/image_raw

You can execute the following command to save all topics from Bebop: $ rosbag record -a

However, if you're intend to save a specific topic, you can run: $ rosbag record /bebop/image_raw/

See more in: Rosbag CommandLine and Rosbag Export Images

cesarhcq avatar Jan 15 '20 17:01 cesarhcq

Thanks for the answer @cesarhcq but it takes a lot of time converting bag file to txt file. maybe for other topics. am intending to save them not for a replay. is there any other way out

LArayane avatar Feb 17 '20 13:02 LArayane