Ivan Kochurkin

Results 260 comments of Ivan Kochurkin

> Also, instead of sorting parser rules apparently by functionality, I would sort alphabetically, which would allow for fast navigation through the grammar by eyeball. I don't think it's a...

What about articles?

It isn't implemented at all, including Java target.

> @KvanTTT, I refer to "The DFA sharing exists already since a long time". You can explore classes in the [dfa](https://github.com/antlr/antlr4/tree/master/runtime/Java/src/org/antlr/v4/runtime/dfa) directory and their usings. Cache is located in [ParserInterpreter](https://github.com/antlr/antlr4/blob/03a45a585f4959257c99d45ed0542b414716d311/runtime/Java/src/org/antlr/v4/runtime/ParserInterpreter.java#L47-L48).

What about Drag & Drop support? Avalonia supports this feature for now and ControlCatalog contains a sample. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1150330/59129653-18feaa80-8976-11e9-847a-b9546eb2a21e.png)

But can be implemented for Windows only. Is it necessary to do features cross-platform for now.

Finally, I've developed own light cli processor with such feature support, see [CliParametersParser](https://github.com/PositiveTechnologies/PT.PM/blob/dev/Sources/PT.PM.Cli.Common/CliParametersParser.cs)

@gagahpangeran I've implemented such a parser in one of my projects, see [Parser](https://github.com/KvanTTT/MarkConv/blob/master/MarkConv/Parser.cs) and example [test file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KvanTTT/MarkConv/master/MarkConv.Tests/Resources/Html.md) that is parsed correctly. ANTLR-based lexer and parser are used for HTML. You...

Are any news appeared? I found another tool for grammar formatting [Antlr4Formatter](https://github.com/teverett/Antlr4Formatter) by @teverett.

> People never read ["readme's](https://github.com/antlr/intellij-plugin-v4/blob/master/README.md#limitations). Sometimes they read but you are right, it should be uderstandable without readme. It makes sense to add a warning about actions and sematics predicates...