Results 243 comments of Dmitry

@alkamine If you mean accessing bookmarks/global search now takes more clicks then it will be fixed eventually. The bookmarks will be merged into the drawer and global search will be...

Okay, then will try to make a stable release today.

Right now I have a lot of other stuff to work on so unless you want to work on it, or someone else, expect it to be done not earlier...

I have added CloudFlare cookie into the get boards request but I haven't tested it because it doesn't require me to pass CloudFlare right now and I have no idea...

Ok, I will add the cookies to all the network requests, then.

By the way, what is your country? I want to try accessing the site with a vpn to test if it actually works but can't find a country where it...

What version beta or release?

Try the latest beta.

F-Droid version is 2 releases the behind the Github version because they are very slow with updates. Switch to Github release version or beta. It's already fixed.