Results 243 comments of Dmitry

Can you send me your backup? Settings -> Import/Export -> Export backup.

Unfortunately the database is empty. I don't know what happened to it.

No, there is no solution as of now. The downloaded threads are there on the disk but the metadata that is stored in the database that is used for accessing...

Yeah, I should probably start persisting logs in the database so that there is a way to figure out what happened when issues like this one appear.

Yeah, this feels like "the moon was in a wrong phase" type of a bug.

Ok, with your latest backup I have made it so it won't crash now at the very least upon app start. There is some weird inconsistency in the database and...

Can you elaborate? I don't get what you mean by resetting captcha.

`Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.` You tried to post something that is considered to be spam by 4chan. Did it not show...