Results 243 comments of Dmitry

There are no logs about posting in the logs that you have just posted.

I will try to persist the logs in the database so it's easier to copy them afterwards because right now it only keeps like 500 lines of logs or something...

Do you have `Check if post was actually acknowledged by 4chan` setting enabled? If not then you should try it. You can find it by long tapping the reply button....

>posts keep cancelling Try latest beta, I did some fixes to that issue.

When you request captcha you have to pass a new query parameter which is called `ticket`. You get this ticked from the same captcha GET request. I think it resets...

@yaddy-ranton Oh shit, I think I forgot to make a stable release with this thing. It's been in beta version since February 16th. But beta is a little bit broken...

You tried to create a new thread, right?

I think I need to split cookies for WiFi/non-WiFi connections. I think Chance is doing this already. Also, in the latest beta I have added "Clear cookies" button to the...