
Results 35 issues of Justin

If the site uri starts with ~/ then expand it to the users home directory. ~user style paths aren't implemented as part of this change.

I forgot that queries and values are stored backwards so that wildcard prefix searching works. The queries that return results order by the fields, but the fields are backwards so...

This fixes build errors with go 1.18 on OS X

`AddCredential` needs to do a update host_creds set scan_interval=.. if the row was updated and not added.

If zeek sees half duplex http traffic it might result in unbounded state growth. If zeek is seeing http replies but not requests, everything works OK. zeek will log the...

Complexity: Modest
Type: Bug :bug:
Area: Protocol Analysis
Area: Scripting
Type: Project

How to reproduce: ``` viddy -d '[ $((RANDOM%2)) -eq 0 ] && echo done || echo 50%' ``` You'll see ``` 50%!(NOVERB) ``` in the output. I guess a string...

conn_big.log.zstd is a json log containing 7,620,480 rows like ``` {"ts":1258531221.486539,"uid":"Cxf2Q62s0bGI7HZujj","id.orig_h":"","id.orig_p":68,"id.resp_h":"","id.resp_p":67,"proto":"udp","service":"dhcp","duration":0.16382,"orig_bytes":301,"resp_bytes":300,"conn_state":"SF","missed_bytes":0,"history":"Dd","orig_pkts":1,"orig_ip_bytes":329,"resp_pkts":1,"resp_ip_bytes":328} ``` ``` ❯ hyperfine -M 3 -L prog "jq,./target/release/jaq" -- "zstdcat ~/tmp/json_logs/conn_big.log.zst | {prog} -cr .proto > /dev/null" Benchmark...

With more protocols being implemented in spicy, as well as existing ones being ported over it seems that we messed up a bit by having the service field show up...

When trying to reproduce an analyzer issue I often see messages like: ``` [fatal error] terminating with uncaught exception of type spicy::rt::ParseError: &size amount not consumed (./analyzer/asn1.spicy:123:16) [fatal error] terminating...

Good first issue

Hi! Would you accept a PR that adds an option to fill in PermittedDNSDomains? I verified it works if I just add 2 lines to the template: ``` PermittedDNSDomainsCritical: true,...