
Results 35 issues of Justin

a filename like turn /data/nfsen/profiles/live/podium/nfcapd.2009030110 gets turned into "2009-03-01 10:00" but the path contained potentially useful information like profile='live' and source='podium' I need to replace doc_id_to_date with something that keeps...

can be anonymized using nfanon.


Minimally now that I have "file_glob": "/bro/logs/*/notice.*gz", "recent_file_glob": "/bro/logs/%Y-%m-%d/notice.*gz", Currently if `recent_file_glob` is missing, it can just default to `file_glob`. However, if only `recent_file_glob` is present, one could just convert...

an API to submit a host or 2 or 4 tuple to tell gotm not to cutoff matching traffic would be useful.


Instead of mReceived.WithLabelValues(intf, workerString).Set(.. mDropped.WithLabelValues(intf, workerString).Set(.. mIfDropped.WithLabelValues(intf, workerString).Set(.. cache the result of WithLabelValues at the start of the worker.

The packet stats interval is currently hardcoded to 5000. The time interval itself is configurable via `-timeinterval` but this is only checked every 5000 packets. At low packet rates the...

This is mostly notes for me to remember what to fix, but I see a few issues lately with the software framework, particularly related to http. # Azure versions We...

The main loop may block for some external reason. dumbno should use signal.alarm with a few minute timeout inside the main loop. Nothing dumbno does should take longer than a...

If using different acls for different ingress ports and a 2 tuple acl is added, it will get expired from some of the ports. If more traffic is seen (due...
