Added search function to discordMessageManager. Responding to [Search messages node #67](https://github.com/Markoudstaal/node-red-contrib-discord-advanced/issues/67)
I know the movement of some of the functions into a separate lib framework is a little messy but i noticed it was repeated in several classes. Ill try to...
I have now also added the event manager, as per the request [Support Scheduled Events #110](https://github.com/Markoudstaal/node-red-contrib-discord-advanced/issues/110). It is quite comprehensive, it can create and delete scheduled events, as well as...
Can the reviewers with write access please look at this? This has been open for quite some time and threads are a noticeable missing feature
I think there is merit for merging the two together, so you can work on it as a single package with a unified review process. It would nice to be...
I am running 34.1.0, and I am still getting the error: (node:1803592) Warning: To load an ES module, set "type": "module" in the package.json or use the .mjs extension. (Use...
You can utilize the discordMessageManager. When you receive a message from discordMessage any message it is replying to is captured within the object, use this to get the previous message....
we could also use categories, not just the discord category but have discord-messages, discord-other?
Hey, this was added in the latest PR [Added new nodes: Guild Manager, Event Manager, and message search functionality](https://github.com/Markoudstaal/node-red-contrib-discord-advanced/pull/112). You can create events, see all events, delete events. Most of...