Joshua Lückers - Jacobsen

Results 108 comments of Joshua Lückers - Jacobsen

There should be a distinction between the "country" and "language". For example: Belgium might format addresses differently than The Netherlands but they (might) speak the same "language".

@Mark-H Babel provides 3 events: - OnBabelDuplicate: invoked on duplicating the resource in a new language context - OnBabelLink: invoked on link the resource with a target resource - OnBabelUnlink:...

If changing the references to `core/src` in the two files mentioned by @sonicpunk, wouldn't it be a good temporary solution to have this in the docs as workaround?

> * we should create a _config check_ for the 2.x branch, which checks if the installation is hardenend and warns that the upcoming 3.x version won't work with that,...

> 'MODX\' => array($baseDir . '/core/src'), It's still looking into the `/core/src` path for the MODX namespace.

> Use this Regex `^(\.{2,}|/)+` > to match 2 or more dots, otherwise any uneven amount of dots would not be matched @benni1516 With `preg_replace` the regex `'#^(\.{2}|/)+#u` seems to...

> @JoshuaLuckers - I know it's relatively big, but in the past I've gotten caught between "it's covering too much" and "why did you only apply it to this one...

Having a setting to turn off autocompletion for the page title alone is fine. We don't need to enable/disable autocompletion for the other fields (and if we do create new...

@derjasa thanks for taking time to investigate this issue. What happens if you replace the code on line 150 with this: ``` $pattern = '/\Q'.$prefix.'\E((?:(?:[^'.$subSuffix.$subPrefix.']++[\s\S]*?|(?R))*?))\Q'.$suffix.'\E/x'; ``` Does it yield the...

Class names have been changed in 3.0, using the old class names is deprecated: > For example `$modx->getIterator('modResource')` will still work - for now, even though the `\modResource` class...