
Results 4 issues of runsong.jiang

Thank you for sharing this great work! But could you tell me how long is the time step of simulation? 关于e_y为什么为负数的个人理解: 当theta_e为正时,前轮需要左转(正方向旋转),因为PID控制器的target设为了0,所以在PID控制器看来,当前的前轮转角状态相对而言应该是负数,即 —theta_e;右转同理。

Thanks for sharing your work. With your rs_m1 lidar model, the point cloud I get is like this. Is the distribution of point clouds normal? ![image]( The demo of robosense...

Thank you for sharing such great work. I notice that the intensity of point cloud is just related to the distance, right? But different objects of reflection intensity is different....