Jonas Wanke

Results 66 comments of Jonas Wanke

There will eventually be a month view, but I can't tell you a time estimate as I'm very busy at the moment

Both features will be supported very soon, but I don't know yet when I will have the time to implement them. Probably in the following weeks

The notification seems to be related to Google's calendar app

Currently, this library only supports Monday as the start of the week. An exception is thrown when encountering a different value while decoding an RRULE string. The `WKST` property influences...

I don't know any Norwegian, but feel free to open a PR :)

The reason for this limitation is that Dart's date/time handling is very limited, and `DateTime`s can only be in either the local time zone or in UTC. When working with...

Sorry for the delay. Thanks for creating this issue with all the details! I really like how this animation looks and am open to a PR adding it to this...

Thanks for the detailed description and even a video! `SwipeablePageRoute` actually inherits from Flutter's built-in [`CupertinoPageRoute`]( (well, before [v0.2.0]( it just copied the code) and only adds parameters to control...

Can you please add some code to demonstrate the problem you're facing and, preferably, a video/GIF of the behavior?

`dateTime.isValidTimetableDateTime` only checks that the `DateTime` has `isUtc` set. For nullable `DateTime`s, `null` is also allowed. This is true for all `isValidTimetable…` checks. I can add a message (or, maybe,...