Jonas Wanke

Results 66 comments of Jonas Wanke

You're right, drag & drop currently isn't supported but is an important feature I'd like this package to support. I also like the idea of a customizable step size. Unfortunately,...

I'm planning to have a look into this as part of the major refactor in #17.

Thanks for the detailed suggestion and sample code, I'll try to incorporate that into the rewrite I'm currently working on (#17)!

You should be able to use [`TimetableController.dateListenable`]( (giving you the first currently visible day) or [`TimetableController.currentlyVisibleDatesListenable `]( (giving you all currently visible dates) in an [`AnimatedBuilder`]( like the following (not...

This is currently not possible. I'd like to add it with (or at least prepare for it and add it shortly after) #17, which will, unfortunately, take a few weeks...

It's possible to use `TimetableContent` as a standalone widget. I was planning to expose that class and provide an example of its usage but didn't have the time to do...

@CripyIce That seems to be a bug which is now tracked in #40

That seems like a useful feature I'd like to implement. Unfortunately, the exam period of my university starts very soon, so I don't know when I'll have the time to...

@TatsuUkraine Feel free to open it against this repo (maybe as a draft PR), this still leaves room for discussion

This currently isn't supported, but sounds like a useful feature! Do you have a link to that library? (I'm curious how their API for configuring this looks.) Unfortunately, the exam...