Jonas Wanke

Results 66 comments of Jonas Wanke

I've added detailed error messages (using [FlutterError]( as part of [v1.0.0-alpha.9](

@TatsuUkraine Sounds good, though I'm not yet sure how I'll implement this. The `TimeController` currently does not know how large the individual widgets are that are using it. Theoretically, multiple...

@TatsuUkraine You could use [auto_size_text]( to decrease the text size automatically instead of overflowing the available space, or you could show fewer labels depending on the zoom factor. Unfortunately, I'm...

I've added this as part of [v1.0.0-alpha.9]( [`timeController.minDayHeight`](

Similar to the workaround shown in the issue description, you can configure this height via the theme parameter [`totalDateIndicatorHeight`]( ```dart Timetable( controller: /* … */, theme: TimetableThemeData( totalDateIndicatorHeight: MediaQuery.of(context).size *...

Thanks for your feedback! That really looks like an interesting feature I'll keep my eye on. I've added the timeline layout to the issue description. Resources themselves could be natively...

@JulianKowalczuk If an event starts less than 15 min after another event, both events are shown next to each other. If the difference is 15 min or more, timetable overlaps...

@JulianKowalczuk Please see #31, the property `partDayEventMinimumDeltaForStacking` it mentions corresponds to the old, hardcoded `minStackOverlap`.

I'm sorry for the long delay. Exams at my university are now over for this semester and only a few days of seminars left, but I just started a new...

Sorry for the delay and for not keeping this up-to-date. I've recently started this rewrite, and as part of that, also migrated to null-safety and dropped the time_machine and dartx...