Johannes Doberer
Johannes Doberer
Follow up of #2176
message obj for init and specialIframes in App.html and context update in iframe.js could be in one function.. it's the same code -> Update: We don't win anything....discussed with Philipp
we have two functions *replaceVars* in genericHelpers and iframeHelpers.. maybe they do the same
Hello Jennifer, created an [issue]( for that. Best regards, Johannes
Add it to the luigi examples and link it in the FAQ section with a nice description.
This issue is moved to block until we have more time to validate the concept. Search can be configurable like display or not.
Hello ReflectionGolden, I'm not quite sure if I understand your issue. You have a react app (probably created from our [instructions]( ?) and renamed the sampleapp with all the references....
General docu -> -> Instrumenting code is only possible inside `/test/e2e-test-application` and not outside of the root of e2e... It looks like we cannot test the coverage...