Jiahe Xu
Jiahe Xu
Hi DexterousHands developers, Can you please provide the configuration file of tasks ShadowHandMetaML4 & ShadowHandMetaML20? Best, Jiahe Xu
Hi, developers of DexterousHands, When I try task ShadowHandMetaMT4, it shows `Exception: Unrecognized task!` I checked the main branch code, it doesn't have such a task indeed. Please take a...
Hi Hydra developers, This is a very exciting work!!! I am curious about the room classification method you are using in Hydra, but I am not sure which part of...
Hi @kyegomez Could you please provide more examples of usage? It would be very helpful !!!!!! ## Upvote & Fund - We're using [Polar.sh](https://polar.sh/kyegomez) so you can upvote and help...
Hi Yanlai, I didn't see any adjustment over the time stamp on the code, if there any automatic way to align the data?
Hi Bridge_data developers, I am doing some work with bridge_data, and I have some confusion about the pictures and the corresponding actions. In `robonetv2/toykitchen_fixed_cam/berkeley/realkitchen1_counter/put_spoon_on_plate/2021-08-13_19-16-28/raw/traj_group0/traj1` the action shows that seq 0-13...
### Question Hi developers, I am using aloha system for research. In python demo scripts, the user has to specify the joints' position or the end-effector matrix for the manipulator,...
Hi I am exploring this package. I want to convert a ros2 topic to gstreamer, and on the reciever end, I can display the video or convert the streaming to...