Jan Källman

Results 124 comments of Jan Källman

No, this is currently not done in the insert methods. I'll add this as an enhancement.

We might look at this long term, but it's not for the coming versions as it requires a totally new format for many of the package parts.

Are you still facing this issue? Using your test file works fine when I try it. If not, please provide sample code to reproduce this exception.

This seems to be the style element alignment - attribute justifyLastLine="1" ? It is not implemented, but we can add it for a coming version.

Yes, EPPlus leaves the worksheets external releations (hyperlinks) and create new upon save. I'll try to provide a fix for the next version.

Do you think that you can attach a reproducable sample, so we can fix this bug?

I'll add this as an enhancement, but we will have to look into something to complement System.Drawing.Common to proceed with this.

Svg support is added in EPPlus 6