Jan Källman

Results 124 comments of Jan Källman

EPPlus 6.1.1. will preserve attributes used by the Table function

No, this has not yet been implemented. The only way to achieve this is to update the xml via the `PivotTableXml` yourself. This is property must be written to the...

Looks like a missing GDI issue. Are you using the free tier in Azure?

Does the workbooks open correctly if you run EPPlus locally?

It likely crashes here... https://github.com/EPPlusSoftware/EPPlus/blob/c61adffbfb19313b8135eef6c5e12f13d52a0451/src/EPPlus/Drawing/ImageHandling/GenericImageHandler.cs#L57 It's weird as it should catch the Exception and use the build in image handler. Also, if you use Windows it should have GDI available....

This is an EMF image. I wonder if Azure's GDI implementation does not support EMF's. I will try to see if I can replicate this issue. We have a build...

Obviously the quick fix for you is to change the image to a png or jpg and see if it works.

I will remove the usage of System.Drawing.Common in for .NET framework in the GenericImageHandler , so it will use the build-in instead (Note that .NET core, .NET 6 & 7...