Jan Källman

Results 124 comments of Jan Källman

Yes, currently only cells styles are copied with this parameter. Conditional formatting is another functionality, but as you say it might make sence to copy it too.

I assume we can look into this for a future version. For now please validate the address before calling the range indexer.

Adding your xml to the SharedString.xml for A1 and running the test below, works when I try it... ```C# using(var p = OpenTemplatePackage("I669.xlsx")) { var ws = p.Workbook.Worksheets[0]; var v=ws.Cells["A1"].GetValue();...

I'll close this issue. Feel free to re-open it if you can provide a reproducible sample .

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll add this as an enhancement.

Hmm, no, we don't update formulas for conditional formatting (or data validation). I'll have a look at that and add it for a coming version.

Hello, OOXML Strict is currently not on the roadmap, but we might add support for it in the future, if there is an interest. I'll add this as an enhancement.

Hello, This is a newer type of CF not yet implemented via EPPlus. This type uses extLst like this... ```Xml 0 20 40 60 80 A1:A6 ``` We'll try to...

The topLeftCell attribute set by the TopLeftCell is done on the sheet view, so this applies to the bottom right pane. From the OOXML documentation: Location of the top left...

I thing we have to deep dive into how it should work. You have the panes today in ws.View.Panes and we should liklely implement it there. It look like this...