Derrick James
Derrick James
Please provide the pin names for rip rap firmware. It is nessessary for my custom config.
Upon loading the new bootloader, USB Counication will not establish, New firmware.bin files will not flash. The board constantly reboots and the MCU is extreamly hot. More importantly. A major...
While Flashing an updated marlin I was having difficulty maintaining communicaiton wiht the board. The new firmare refuses to flash. I atempted to update the bootloader but the board is...
It appears the uart pins for 2208's are labled as expansion pins. Is this correct ? for example PE8 is labled as Motor uart pin but also labled as an...
The uart pin in klipper refers to Expansion pins in the pinout. Which is correct?
There is inconsistancy between the marlin and klipper pin assignments. please advise. Please add UART Pin mapping
Recommended wiring when using a mosfet.