Shenghua Fan-Whu
Shenghua Fan-Whu
## Env - GPU, e.g. V100, RTX2080, TX2, Xavier NX, Nano, etc. - OS, e.g. Ubuntu16.04, Win10, etc. - Cuda version - TensorRT version ## About this repo - which...
nice work!could you provide your rawresults about STARK testing on these datasets?UAV,got,lasot,otb
作者大大您好,我在复现代码时发现,最后一步离线训练微调FC时,为什么FC微调之后性能反而下降了,请问这里面是有什么不同的参数设置或者技巧吗?微调FC时,所有的FC layers的学习率设置的都是一样的吗?
Hey,Mr.Lin,How are you doning?Nice work.I evaluate your model in got10k, I find this error in windows. Have you meet this error before?How did you solve it?Could you give me hand?Thank...
Nice work!BTW,how can I determine whether my network has converged to a good state or not?By checking out the loss print?Please give me a hand if you have time,thanks you.Could...
Nice work.我尝试复现您的代码时发现,使用ddp框架,4卡2080ti训练800epoch后,batch size 设置是32,numwork是6,在UAV上的sucess和precision分别为0.680和0.880,和您论文中的结果0.691有所差异。于是我尝试使用您提供的Transt.pth进行测试,发现您提供的Transt.pth在UAV上的两个指标分别为0.680和0.875。请问这是为什么呢?为什么和您论文中提供的精度相比要差呢?麻烦您解答了- -,非常感谢!
您好,请问您除了UAV123数据集是在GOT10k toolkit上进行评估的外,其他数据集的指标都是在pysot中统计的吗?