Shenghua Fan-Whu

Results 14 comments of Shenghua Fan-Whu

fine....I also find this problem....The loss cannot go down even my lr is 1e-7...I do not know how to solve this case...I replace resnet with swin-s in my nets as...




I get runtimeerror:address has already inused when I follow README steps about single node multi GPU...could you please tell me how to solve it?

Hey,dude,I have solved this problem by modifying some codes,I just adjust the way of DDP launch and I start the single node training with multi gpus successfully.But here comes a...



> hello,请问你是用哪个toolkit测的呢?我建议用got10k的toolkit来验证结果。pysot的好像有点bug 我使用的是您readme里建议的pysot的toolkit测试的,好的,我试一下got10k的toolkit验证一下。非常感谢

> pysot验证uav和nfs这两个数据集都有点问题,测试是没问题的,算AUC有点问题,用pysot测的结果可以直接换got10k来验证一下 好的,非常感谢您耐心解答,我验证一下看看再来这个贴告诉您结果。