do not merge label?
Why? Contain Server::Host player dont will lead to errors?
You forgot CustomGrenade::Throw method(scale for grenades)
`thrownProjectile.gameObject.transform.localScale = Scale;` before `NetworkServer.Spawn`, its works for me P.S: not working
Plz, add a "do not merge"
my problem in logic😅, I'll fix it tomorrow
It's still a duplicate event, lots of reasons why it's bad
> @moddedmcplayer I have added what you've asked - see ReSyncAllInstantiatedContainers, ResetAllInstantiatedContainers, and ReSyncContainersToDefault. @IRacle1 Can you confirm my understanding of new Dictionary(previous dictionary) - This process is a shallow...
But I'm not sure that the refs to HashSet's will change (more precisely, I'm 90% sure that the HashSet's will be copied into the dictionaries by ref)