The convar **_"con_logfile ../console.log"_** dosn't work now, but it worked serverals months ago. Before, I used this convar to store my console log file in the parent directory of game...
``` sv_cheats 1 display_game_events 1 ``` ``` function OnGameEvent_alien_hurt( tEventData ) { local hAlien = EntIndexToHScript( tEventData["entindex"] ); local flDamage = tEventData["amount"]; local hAttacker = GetPlayerFromUserID( tEventData["attacker"] ); printl( "==>...
The range indicator of the Gas Grenade will not follow the grenade's projectile after detonating. The range indicator always stops at where the Gas Grenade detonates but the Gas Grenade...
Big aliens includes: ``` asw_shieldbug asw_mortarbug asw_drone_uber npc_antlionguard // both asw_harvester ``` but not includes `asw_boomer`. Shotguns includes: ``` asw_weapon_vindicator asw_weapon_devastator asw_weapon_shotgun asw_weapon_combat_rifle // alt-fire ``` For example: ``` Default...
The HUD "Damage Numbers" will not show a fixed number if we change the damage by Vscript function "OnTakeDamage_Alive_Any". For example: ``` function OnTakeDamage_Alive_Any( hVictim, hInflictor, hAttacker, hWeapon, flDamage, nDamageType,...
Is it possible to decrease the duration of reviving teammates via Vscript? Such as getting some NetProps like m_fRevivingProgress. I tried to search in NetProps but found out nothing. Or...
1. Now the damage of Hand Grenade and its child cluster are the same. Both of them are affected by `rd_grenades_dmg_base`, `asw_skill_grenades_cluster_dmg_base` and `asw_skill_grenades_cluster_dmg_step`. I think we need some **new...
The input "SetFlightSpeed" of entity "npc_cscanner" dosen't work. ( It's too slow for a npc_cscanner to follow a marine. )
Error occurs while running main.py ``` 发生异常: ImportError cannot import name 'Color' from 'wafw00f.lib.asciiarts' (C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.11_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python311\site-packages\wafw00f\lib\asciiarts.py) File "D:\***\toolkit\wafw00f\wafw00f\main.py", line 23, in from wafw00f.lib.asciiarts import Color, randomArt ImportError: cannot import name 'Color'...
For an example, we first connect a game server ( Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop ) in stream mode: ``` rcon -a -p 123 ``` Then we send a command...