> Another solution would be to decrease the width of the chapters text, when the download button is visible. But if you decrease the width of the text you would...
> Don't use a beta version. There is only the beta of v17.32.35 on apkmirror
I built YT 17.36.37 with manager then I tried the same apk on a Galaxy A10 (Android 11) and a Galaxy A52s 5G (Android 12). On the A10 all the...
Tested [the apk](https://github.com/revanced/revanced-patches/issues/363#issuecomment-1251082857) on A52s with "Hide suggestions" setting disabled and playlists are visible. _Screenshot A52s (Android 12) with "Hide suggestions" disabled:_  It seems that YouTube (after v17.29.34) shows...
Built v17.38.35 and v17.36.37 with manager v0.0.27 and playlists are finally visible (even with hide suggestions enabled).
Same problem with v1.10 (Samsung stock android 12). Also the option "Search on the web" doesn't work.
Solved by reinstalling from zero the manager
Installed from zero v0.0.34 and the bug is still there. 
> Another solution would be to decrease the width of the chapters text, when the download button is visible. But if you decrease the width of the text you would...