I think that fixed growth was made due to the difficulty associated with making relatively balanced systems that are still based in RNG, as can be seen by numerous loopholes...
Are you ready for a merge, then?
I'll leave out the squash merge, I just don't like the interface being filled up with multiple commits. I'm completely fine with merging without squashing.
Did I really not merge this? @SapphireTactician , was there anything wrong with this req or was I just being lazy?
oh, and then I think we decided to move to TF and implement this framework there, iirc.
This is just the way that the game is balanced. Some characters just need empty growths to balance them out with other characters, it's really not an issue. I can...
Maybe whole numbers would be easier to work with. I think we use the original base/growth system because those are the stats we got from the games. If this becomes...
maybe if we allowed rounding rather than filling each level?
Would you care if I just deleted the phantoms at end of round?
It seems like we might stand to move names to the left a bit anyways. We should also try the "Phantom [letter]" thing, and just assign them an identity/owner directly.