FEMultiPlayer-V2 copied to clipboard
Feature Request: Growth Rate Style setting for FEServer
Issue type: feature request
Rather than add yet another modifier, since growths and balance have been discussed and debated time and again. I propose that for those who want a more "traditional" / "organic" experience, we add a "radio button" type option that allows the host to select between either Fixed Growth Mode (our current system) and "Classic Fire Emblem Mode" (RNG growths using their actual FE growth rates).
While this lends nothing to tournament play, it is quite valuable for the average FE fan who just want to have fun with their friends without all the stress and pressure of more competitive play. It also prevents games between a pair of players who always main a particular team from going stale as even the same team will never be the same twice.
To prevent RNG abuse during the training process however, the client will locally remember what each level granted that round so if they chose to level down, they can't level up just to re-roll a particular level or group of levels over and over. If they wish to re-roll, they'll have to risk all levels by rejoining the server and loading their team again.
Implementing this shouldn't prove to be too big of a hassle since the team builder, to my knowledge, only saves their level and equipment, meaning that a team saved in one mode can still be interchangably loaded into another with no foreseeable conflict. (correct me if I'm wrong about what is actually saved to the team file) When a saved team is loaded while in RNG growths are enabled, it'd simply roll for each level behind the scenes.
FEServer will have to do slightly heavier lifting though as it'd have to report actual stats with the team summary at the beginning of the match if "Classic Fire Emblem Mode" is selected, but that's about it.
I think that fixed growth was made due to the difficulty associated with making relatively balanced systems that are still based in RNG, as can be seen by numerous loopholes the original devs took in the code (read: unimplemented con stats)
Well I get why we have fixed growth, to ensure tournament viability and no one salting that they got RNG screwed during team building. But this still has great use for Friendlies, as not everyone using FEMP wants just tournament style play, especially after a stressful day - which is why we have modifiers to begin with, for more casual play.